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Poupa Honk

Folcore 060
  • Kikasaru
  • Dubbing the Marabou
  • The Great Dog
  • Loud and Precious
  • Half Bear
  • Cheap Rocker
  • Temper Hippopotamus
  • The Loose Parts of Us

"Kikasaru" es una recopilación de ocho canciones seleccionadas de las primeras publicaciones de Poupa Honk, el trabajo en un estudio casero que representa el período anterior a su formación en directo.

Para esta ocasión,  vuelve a mezclar un poco las canciones más antiguas como "The great dog”, “The loose parts of us” y “Plastic motocycle” (rebautizada como “Kikasaru”) intentando conservar la energía original: oscilando entre el colorido y profundo dub downtempo, las melodías populares y los entornos digitales.



Dubbing The Marabou

Dubbing The Marabou

The Great Dog

The Great Dog

Loud And Precious

Loud And Precious

Half Bear

Half Bear

Cheap Rocker

Cheap Rocker

Temper Hippopotamus

Temper Hippopotamus

The Loose Parts Of Us

The Loose Parts Of Us

Todos los temas e imágenes por Poupa Honk
Masterización: Yann Ryo a.k.a Nixtamal

"Kikasaru" is a eight song compilation selected from the very beginning Poupa Honk publications, which were borned in a home studio and they represent the period prior to its live performance.

For this occasion, he remixed some old songs like "The great dog", "The loose parts of us" and "Plastic motocycle" (renamed "Kikasaru") trying to preserve the original energy: oscilating from colorful and deep downtempo dub to folk melodies and digital environments.



Dubbing The Marabou

Dubbing The Marabou

The Great Dog

The Great Dog

Loud And Precious

Loud And Precious

Half Bear

Half Bear

Cheap Rocker

Cheap Rocker

Temper Hippopotamus

Temper Hippopotamus

The Loose Parts Of Us

The Loose Parts Of Us

All tracks and pictures by Poupa Honk
Mastering: Yann Ryo a.k.a Nixtamal