Folcore Records' retrospective, selected by Qechuaboi
Artwork byCoreographix
Stock image by Pexels
Retrospectiva Folcore Records, seleccionada por Qechuaboi
Artwork por Coreographix
Imagen de stock por Pexels
Folcore 103 - Selected by Qechuaboi
- Tropikore - Cucu El Melo
- Zoonido - Queremos paz
- Cherman - Witness Cumbia Dub (Los reyes de la milanga vs. Roots Manuva)
- WildCat - Para los juergueros (Original mix)
- Dr. Brodsky - Utronn
- Iszen - La coupe
- Poupa Honk - Hummer
- Tropikal Camel - Ana Kurdi
- Nixtamal - Maria Theresa
- N A T I V O - Anaconda
al ir escuchando la discografía de FolCore en estos 9 años, pude darme cuenta de qe el Core es lo qe representa nuestro Folk y la selección ha sido basada en pistas qe estén muy relacionadas con el dancefloor o clubbing, sin importar el BPM o el momento de la noche: si funciona… funciona.
as I listened to the discography of FolCore in these 9 years, I could see that the Core is what our Folk represents and the selection has been based on tracks that are very related to the dancefloor or clubbing, without import the BPM or the time of night: if it works ... it works.