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All tracks and mix by Leónidas Ghione

Cover art by
image details taken from a collage by Germán de Souza (Paisaje, 2020)

Todos los temas y mezcla del minimix por Leónidas Ghione

Diseño de cubierta:
imagen tomada del collage de Paisaje, 2020 por Germán de Souza

Self or not self

Leónidas Ghione

FMX 006
  • Carisma (Tropical Twista Records)
  • Luna (Quiero Recordings)
  • Quién tomó mi bajo (Kultus Musiek)
  • Female (Folcore Records)
  • Tunas (Unreleased)
  • África (Shango Records)Pre release
  • Illuminados (Quiero Recordings)

Leonidas Ghione - Self Or Not Self (Minimix)FMX 006
Folcore Records website:

All tracks and mix by Leónidas Ghione

Leónidas Ghione: @leonidasghione

Thanks to:

Cover art by
image details taken from a collage by Germán de Souza (Paisaje, 2020)

Leonidas Ghione - Self Or Not Self (Minimix)FMX 006
Folcore Records website:


Leónidas Ghione: @leonidasghione

Thanks to:


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